» Runtime

Janox Runtime is a set of classes to be included in Janox application scripts. Janox programs contain just a "meta-linguistic" description for data structures, interfaces and execution logics, while runtime provides architecture-specific translating at execution.

Janox Runtime is a script coded in PHP language and nothing more than a working PHP installation is needed for Janox to run: it is projected to work with minimum system and security requirements, so to minimize portability problems and delivering exigences.

PHP is a guarantee for compatibility across OS's and web-servers standards: original from Unix systems, can be easily installed and managed on Windows machines and comes in base packages with any Linux distribution.

» Database gateways

Janox Runtime supports a wide range of DBMS:

» AS400

» DB2



» Oracle

» Postgres

» SQLite

Janox gateways are database specific sets of functions, that translate data storing/retrieving Janox logics to SQL vendor specific commands. This functions are external to Janox Runtime core, so that can be easily accessed and modified to meet any particular exigence: starting from existing gateways any further database support can be easily coded, opportunely changing just a few lines.

» Interfaces

Janox architecture provides two function-equivalent interface systems:

» WEB-based

For a browsable access to application can be used an HTML/JavaScript(AJAX) interface: this interface ensure a full rich experience across all standard browsers and is mostly useful not only for remote access, but even for intranet access from low installation needing machines.

WEB-based interface provides all local applications standards with windows, data navigation and advanced controls.

» GTK+

For reaching the best performance in local execution contexts, GUI interface is provided too. User will find all Janox quality standards in a fast, OS-integrated GTK+ interface.

Janox is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)